The toolkit includes four sections of resources that build, sequentially:
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Section Introduction
In order for our Engaging Men initiatives to be meaningful, we–as organizers and educators–need to be clear on our goals:
- What attitudes and behaviors are we looking to uplift and change?
- What topics should our programming address?
- How do we know that what we are doing is working?
In order for us to define the goals of our education and engagement, we must have a clear understanding of “What’s gender & masculinity got to do with it?”
Section Introduction
No two campuses are the same–whether rural, urban, faith-based, commuter-based, or serving historically marginalized students. Every single one needs a tailored strategy for Engaging Men.
However, every successful initiative is founded upon core skills and strategic approaches.
The following two sections detail best practices, skills, examples, and tools that will lay the foundation for effective men’s engagement on any campus.
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships (for Engaging Men)
Building Your Plan
Section Introduction
Hosting a single event is “easy.” Turning one event into two and then embedding ongoing Engaging Men efforts–training; education; recruiting leaders–requires thoughtful strategy and structure.
Section Introduction
No single curriculum will work for all campuses (although, if you are looking for complete, multi-session curricula, visit our Library). Every campus needs topics and materials to be tailored to their student population.
For these reasons, FUTURES developed a “Toolbox” with activities, videos, talking points, and more across many important Engaging Men topics.
Consider using these materials to:
● Train CCRT members or peer educators in Engaging Men concepts
● Develop Engaging Men content for awareness month events
● Tailor bystander intervention trainings
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